Friday, May 21, 2021

Write an Assembly Language Program (ALP) to find the largest of given byte / Word / Double-word / 64-bit numbers.

 %macro scall 4 ;macro declaration with 4 parameters

        mov eax,%1                          ;1st parameter has been moved to eax
        mov ebx,%2                          ;2nd parameter has been moved to ebx
        mov ecx,%3                          ;3rd parameter has been moved to ecx
        mov edx,%4                          ;4th parameter has been moved to edx
        int 80h                             ;Call the Kernel
%endmacro                                   ;end of macro

section .data                                   ;.data segment begins here
        m1 db "Enter size of array: ",10d,13d   ;m1 initialised with a string
        l1 equ $-m1                             ;l1 stores length of m1 string
        m2 db "Enter array elements: ",10d,13d  ;m2 initialised with a string
        l2 equ $-m2                             ;l2 stores length of m2 string
        m3 db 10d,13d,"Largest: "               ;m3 initialised with a string
        l3 equ $-m3                             ;l3 stores length of m3 string
        m4 db 10d,13d                           ;m4 initialised with a string
        l4 equ $-m4                             ;l4 stores length of m4 string

section .bss                                    ;.bss segment starts here
        cnt resb 3                              ;variable with 3 byte size
        arr resb 3                              ;variable with 3 byte size
        cnt1 resb 3                             ;variable with 3 byte size
        arr1 resb 50                            ;variable with 50 byte size
        temp resb 2                             ;variable with 2 byte size
        char_ans resb 2                         ;variable with 2 byte size
section .text                                   ;.text segment starts here
        global _start                           ;declaring _start label as global
_start:                                         ;_start label
        scall 4,1,m1,l1                         ;macro call to display m1
        scall 3,0,arr,3                         ;macro call to input in arr

        mov esi,arr                             ;esi points to arr
        call asciihextohex                      ;calling procedure to convert into hex nos

        mov byte[cnt],dl                        ;moving values of dl into cnt
        mov byte[cnt1],dl                       ;moving values of dl into cnt
        scall 4,1,m2,l2                         ;macro call to display m2
        mov edi,arr1                            ;edi points to arr1
back:   scall 3,0,arr,3                         ;macro call to input in arr
        mov esi,arr                             ;esi points to arr
        call asciihextohex                      ;calling procedure to convert into hex nos

        mov [edi],dl                            ;move contents of dl at address of edi
        inc edi                                 ;increment edi to point to next element
        dec byte[cnt]                           ;decrement cnt variable
        jnz back                                ;jump if cnt is not zero to back label

        mov esi,arr1                            ;esi points to arr1
        mov al,[esi]                            ;move contents at esi into al
        inc esi                                 ;increment esi to point to next element
up1:    mov bl,[esi]                            ;move contents at esi into bl
        cmp al,bl                               ;compare al with bl
        jg next1                                ;if al is greater, jump to next1
        mov byte[temp],al                       ;copying al into temp
        mov al,bl                               ;copying bl into al
        mov bl,byte[temp]                       ;copying temp into bl
next1:  inc esi                                 ;increment esi
        dec byte[cnt1]                          ;decrement cnt1
        jnz up1                                 ;jump to up1, if cnt1 not zero
        mov ecx,02                              ;copy 02 into ecx
        mov esi,char_ans                        ;esi points to char_ans
up4:    rol al,4                                ;roll contents of al by 4 bits
        mov dl,al                               ;copy al into dl
        and dl,0FH                              ;AND dl with 0Fh
        cmp dl,09h                              ;compare dl with 09h
        jbe next2                               ;jump to next2, if dl is below or equal
        add dl,07h                              ;add 07h to dl
next2:  add dl,30h                              ;add 30h to dl
        mov[esi],dl                             ;move dl at esi address
        inc esi                                 ;increment esi
        dec ecx                                 ;decrement ecx
        jnz up4                                 ;jump to up4, if ecx not zero
        scall 4,1,m3,l3                         ;macro call to display m3
        scall 4,1,char_ans,2                    ;macro call to display char_ans
        scall 4,1,m4,l4                         ;macro call to display m4

        mov eax,1                               ;sys_Exit
        mov ebx,0                               ;sucessfull termination
        int 80h                                 ;call the kernel

asciihextohex:                                  ;procedure 
mov ecx,2                                       ;copy 2 into ecx
mov dl,0                                        ;copy 0 into dl

top:    rol dl,4                                ;roll contents of dl by 4 bits
        mov al,[esi]                            ;copy esi contents into al
        cmp al,39h                              ;compare al with 39h
        jbe down                                ;jump to down, if al is below or equal
        sub al,07h                              ;subtract 07h
down:   sub al,30h                              ;subtract 30h
        add dl,al                               ;add al with dl
        inc esi                                 ;increment esi
        loop top                                ;jump if ecx not equal to zero,decrement ecx
ret                                             ;return to calling address

Write a switch case driven Assembly Language Program (ALP) to perform 64-bit hexadecimal arithmetic operations (+,-,*, /) using suitable macros. Define procedure for each operation.

 %macro scall 4

        mov eax,%1
        mov ebx,%2
        mov ecx,%3
        mov edx,%4
        int 80h

section .data
        arr dq 0000003h,00000002h
        n equ 2

        menu db 10d,13d,"**********MENU**********"
             db 10d,13d,"1. Addition"
             db 10d,13d,"2. Subtraction"
             db 10d,13d,"3. Multiplication"
             db 10d,13d,"4. Division"
             db 10d,13d,"5. Exit"
             db 10d,13d,"Enter your Choice: "
        menu_len equ $-menu

        m1 db 10d,13d,"Addition: "
        l1 equ $-m1
        m2 db 10d,13d,"Substraction: "
        l2 equ $-m2
        m3 db 10d,13d,"Multiplication: "
        l3 equ $-m3
        m4 db 10d,13d,"Division: "
        l4 equ $-m4
section .bss
        answer resb 8		;to store the result of operation
        choice resb 2

section .text
        global _start:

        up: 	scall 4,1,menu,menu_len
	        scall 3,0,choice,2	
        cmp byte[choice],'1'
        je case1
        cmp byte[choice],'2'
        je case2
        cmp byte[choice],'3'
        je case3
        cmp byte[choice],'4'
        je case4
        cmp byte[choice],'5'
        je case5

        case1:	scall 4,1,m1,l1
                call addition
                jmp up	
        case2: 	scall 4,1,m2,l2
	        call substraction
	        jmp up

        case3:	scall 4,1,m3,l3
	        call multiplication
	        jmp up

        case4:	scall 4,1,m4,l4
	        call division
	        jmp up
        case5:  mov eax,1
	        mov ebx,0
                int 80h	
;procedures for arithmetic and logical operations	
        mov ecx,n
        dec ecx	
        mov esi,arr
        mov eax,[esi]
up1:    add esi,8
        mov ebx,[esi]
        add eax,ebx
        loop up1	
        call display
        mov ecx,n
        dec ecx	
        mov esi,arr
        mov eax,[esi]
up2:    add esi,8
        mov ebx,[esi]
        sub eax,ebx
        loop up2	
        call display	
        mov ecx,n
        dec ecx	
        mov esi,arr
        mov eax,[esi]
up3:    add esi,8
        mov ebx,[esi]
        mul ebx
        loop up3	
        call display

        mov ecx,n
        dec ecx
        mov esi,arr
        mov eax,[esi]
up4:    add esi,8
        mov ebx,[esi]
        mov edx,0
        div ebx
        loop up4	
        call display

        mov ecx,n
        dec ecx	
        mov esi,arr
        mov eax,[esi]
up6:    add esi,8
        mov ebx,[esi]
        or eax,ebx
        loop up6	
        call display

        mov ecx,n
        dec ecx	
        mov esi,arr
        mov eax,[esi]
up7:    add esi,8
        mov ebx,[esi]
        xor eax,ebx
        loop up7	
        call display

        mov ecx,n
        dec ecx	
        mov esi,arr
        mov eax,[esi]
up8:    add esi,8
        mov ebx,[esi]
        and eax,ebx
        loop up8
        call display

        mov esi,answer+7
        mov ecx,8

cnt:    mov edx,0
        mov ebx,16
        div ebx
        cmp dl,09h
        jbe add30
        add dl,07h
add30:  add dl,30h
        mov [esi],dl
        dec esi
        dec ecx
        jnz cnt
        scall 4,1,answer,8

Write an X86/64 ALP to accept a string and to display its length.


%macro IO 4  ; simple macro ,

mov rax,%1   ;  param 1 ->  system call number                             

mov rdi,%2    ;  param 2 ->  file descriptor                              

mov rsi,%3     ;  param 3 ->  message                       

mov rdx,%4      ;  param 4 ->  length                         



section .data

    m1 db 10,13, "enter string"   ;10 ->line feed 

    l1 equ $-m1                         

    m2 db 10,13, "Entered"    

    l2 equ $-m2                         

    m3 db 10,13,"Length is "     

    l3 equ $-m3 

    m4 db 10,13, "Write an X86/64 ALP to accept a string and to display its length"

    l4 equ $-m4

    m5 db 10,13, "Exiting now"  

    l5 equ $-m5


    m7 db 10    

section .bss

    string resb 50                      ;string array of size 50

    strl equ $-string 

    count resb 1

    _output resb 20

section .text

    global _start


   IO 1,1,m4,l4    ; display

    IO 1,1,m1,l1    ; display


    IO 0,0,string,strl

    mov [count],rax ;count now points to rax 


    IO 1,1,m2,l2    ; display

    IO 1,1,string,strl

    IO 1,1,m3,l3    ; display 

    mov rax,[count] ; value of count passed into rax   

    call hex_to_dec

    IO 1,1,_output,16

    IO 1,1,m7,1


    IO 1,1,m5,l5     

    mov rax, 60     ; system call for exit

    mov rdi, 0      ; exit code 0



        mov rsi,_output+15  ; max size of display , for convinience set to 16 and rsipoints to output[16]

        mov rcx,2           ; loop count , or number of digits displayed , 2 digits (unlikely we will enter string > 99)(prints preceding zeros otherwise)


        xor rdx,rdx         ; setting rdx to null without setting a null byte (a tip i saw on reddit) needed to clean dl for use 

        mov rbx,10          ; conversion base

        div rbx             ; dividing by conversion base

        cmp dl,09h          ; comparing 09h with dl , since the division remainder ends up in dx and since its one digits its in dl

        jbe add30           ; if value under in 0-9 , we directly add 30h to get ascii 0-9


        add dl,30h          ; adding 30h

        mov [rsi],dl        ; moving the ascii we generated to rsi

        dec rsi             ; rsi now points to the next place in display or output[n-1]

        dec rcx             ; loop 

        jnz letter2



Write an X86/64 ALP to accept a string and to display its length
enter string
Length is 
Exiting now

[Program exited with exit code 0]

Write an X86/64 ALP to accept five 64 bit Hexadecimal numbers from user and store them in an array and display the accepted numbers.


%macro IO 4

mov rax,%1

mov rdi,%2

mov rsi,%3

mov rdx,%4



section .data

m1 db 10,13,"Enter the five 64 bit numbers:"

l1 equ $-m1                         

m2 db 10,13,"The  five 64 bit numbers are:"   

l2 equ $-m2 

m4 db 10,13, "Write an X86/64 ALP to accept five 64 bit Hexadecimal numbers from user and store them in an array and display the accepted numbers."  

l4 equ $-m4

m5 db 10,13,"Exiting now"   

l5 equ $-m5

m6 db 10,13,"incorrect input error"

l6 equ $-m6

m7 db 10

debug db "debug " 

debug_l equ $-debug

time equ 5

size equ 8

section .bss

arr resb 300

_input resb 20

_output resb 20

count resb 1

section .text

global _start


IO 1,1,m4,l4

    mov byte[count],time        ; store time = 5 in count;

mov rbp,arr                    ;rbp points to begining of arr

IO 1,1,m1,l1


    IO 0,0,_input,17

    IO 1,1,debug,debug_l

    IO 1,1,_input,17


call ascii_to_hex

        mov [rbp],rbx   ; put the complete summed rbx value to arr[n] 

add rbp,size    ; move to next value of array 8 -> 4*2 = 1 place -> arr[n+1]

dec byte[count] ; loop

jnz input

mov byte[count],time ; set loop count to 5 

mov rbp,arr     ;make rbp point to arr beginning

jmp display


    mov rax,[rbp]   ; address of rbp in rax 

call hex_to_ascii

IO 1,1,m7,1

IO 1,1,_output,16

add rbp,size    ; move to next value of array 8 -> 4*2 = 1 place arr[n+1]

dec byte[count] ; loop

jnz display

jmp exit


IO 1,1,m5,l5

mov rax,60

mov rdi,0



    IO 1,1,m6,l6

    jmp exit


    mov rsi,_input

    mov rcx,16

    xor rbx,rbx  ;cleaning rbx since rbx == rbx , rbx is set to 0without wasting the space

        xor rax,rax  ;cleaning rax 


        rol rbx,4    ; shifting rbx to left by 4 bytes 

    mov al,[rsi] ; adrress of rsi (_input ) in al _input[0]

    cmp al,47h   ; error checking

    jge error    ; 

    cmp al,39h   ;if < ascii 39 => 0-9

    jbe skip     

    sub al,07h   ;else => ascii is (A-F)


        sub al,30h   ; get value between 0-9

    add rbx,rax  ; add generated hex value to rbx 

    inc rsi      ; now rsi points at _input[n+1]

    dec rcx      ; loop

    jnz letter



        mov rsi,_output+15   ;max display of 16 characters and rsi points to _output[16]

        mov rcx,16           ;loop runs 16 times 


        xor rdx,rdx          ;cleaning rdx need dl for division remainder and  

        mov rbx,16           ;base 16  

        div rbx              ;dividing by base 16

        cmp dl,09h           ;checking if hex value < 9  

        jbe add30            ;if yes simply add 30h to get the ascii 

        add dl,07h           ;else => (A-F)  so add 7 to make it 37 total 


        add dl,30h           ;common step of adding 30h 

        mov [rsi],dl         ;move generated ascii to  _output[n] 

        dec rsi              ;rsi points to _output[n-1]

        dec rcx              ;loop    

        jnz letter2



Write an X86/64 ALP to accept five 64 bit Hexadecimal numbers from user and store them in an array and display the accepted numbers.
Enter the five 64 bit numbers:
debug 55555555A5555555
debug 44444444F4444434
debug 33333D3333333333
debug 2222222222E22222
debug 1111111111111111 
Exiting now

Friday, April 3, 2020

SE Computer Engineering Microprocessor Notes

210253: Microprocessor

Course Objectives: 

1. To learn the architecture and programmer‘s model of advanced processor
2. To understand the system level features and processes of advanced processor
3. To acquaint the learner with application instruction set and logic to build assembly language programs.
4. To understand debugging and testing techniques confined to 80386 DX

Course Outcomes: On completion of the course, student will be able to– 

1. To apply the assembly language programming to develop small real life embedded application.
2. To understand the architecture of the advanced processor thoroughly to use the resources for programming
3. To understand the higher processor architectures descended from 80386 architecture


Download Notes from here


Download Notes from here


Download Notes from here


Download Notes from here


Download Notes from here


Download Notes from here

Thursday, December 27, 2018

NASM Package Installation Process

NASM Package Installation Process

Step 1:
Click here to
Download package from here
Extract package at home
Unpack the archive into a directory, which creates a subdirectory nasm-X. XX.
Step 3:
cd to nasm-X. XX and type "./configure" . This shell script will find the best C compiler to use and set up Makefiles accordingly.
Step 4:
Type make to build the nasm and ndisasm binaries.
Step 5:
Type "sudo make install" to install nasm and ndisasm in /usr/local/bin and to install the man pages.

Download Book for Assembly Language Practice

Friday, March 16, 2018

12. Write 80387 ALP to find the roots of the quadratic equation. All the possible cas es must be considered in calculating the roots.

section .data
msg1 db 10,13,"Complex Root"
msglen1 equ $-msg1

msg2 db 10,13," Root1: "
msglen2 equ $-msg2

msg3 db 10,13," Root2: "
msglen3 equ $-msg3

a dd 1.00
b dd 8.00
c dd 15.00
four dd 4.00
two dd 2.00

hdec dq 100
point db "."
section .bss
    root1 resd 1
    root2 resd 1
    resbuff rest 1
    temp resb 2
    disc resd 1

%macro write 2            ;macro for display
    mov rax,1
    mov rdi,1
    mov rsi,%1
    mov rdx,%2

%macro read 2            ;macro for input
    mov rax,0
    mov rdi,0
    mov rsi,%1
    mov rdx,%2

%macro exit 0            ;macro for exit
    mov rax,60
    xor rdi,rdi

section .text
  global _start

  finit                ; initialise 80387 co-processor
  fld dword[b]            ; stack: b

  fmul dword[b]             ; stack: b*b

  fld dword[a]            ; stack: a, b*b

  fmul dword[c]             ; stack: a*c, b*b

  fmul dword[four]        ; stack: 4*a*c,b*b

  fsub                 ; stack: b*b - 4*a*c

  ftst                 ; compares ST0 and 0
  fstsw ax                ;Stores the coprocessor status word ;into either a word in memory or the AX register
  sahf        ;Stores the AH register into the FLAGS register.
  jb no_real_solutions         ; if disc < 0, no real solutions
  fsqrt             ; stack: sqrt(b*b - 4*a*c)

  fst dword[disc]     ; store disc= sqrt(b*b - 4*a*c)

  fsub dword[b]                 ; stack: disc-b

  fdiv dword[a]             ; stack: disc-b/2*a or (-b+disc)/2a

  fdiv dword[two]

  write msg2,msglen2
 call disp_proc
  fldz                ;stack:0
  fsub dword[disc]        ;stack:-disc
  fsub dword[b]             ; stack: -disc - b
  fdiv dword[a]        ; stack: (-b - disc)/(2*a)
  fdiv dword[two]

  write msg3,msglen3
  call disp_proc
  jmp exi

write msg1,msglen1
exi :

mov rax,60
mov rdi,1

    FIMUL dword[hdec]
    FBSTP tword[resbuff]
    mov rsi,resbuff+9
    mov rcx,09
      push rcx
      push rsi
      mov bl,[rsi]
      call disp
      pop rsi
      pop rcx
       dec rsi
      loop next1
    push rsi
      write point,1
    pop rsi
      mov bl,[rsi]
      call disp

        mov edi,temp                ;mov dnum address into edi
        mov ecx,02                    ;initialize ecx with 2
            rol bl,4                ;rotate bl by 4 bits
            mov dl,bl                ;move bl into dl
            and dl,0fh            ;and of dl with 0fh
            add dl,30h            ;add 30h into dl
            cmp dl,39h            ;compare dl with 39h
            jbe dispskip1            ;jump if below and equal to dispskip1
            add dl,07h            ;add 7h into dl
                mov [edi],dl        ;mov dl into dnum
                inc edi            ;increament edi by a byte
            loop dispup1        ;loop dispup1 while ecx not zero
            write temp,2            ;Display dnum by calling macro
          ret                    ;return from procedure


swlab@swlab-H81-M1:~$ nasm -f elf64 square.asm
ld -o mean mean.o
./square Root1: 800000000000000003.00
Root2: 800000000000000005.00

Write an Assembly Language Program (ALP) to find the largest of given byte / Word / Double-word / 64-bit numbers.

  %macro scall 4 ;macro declaration with 4 parameters          mov eax , %1 ;1st p...