section .data
msg1 db 10,13,"Complex Root"
msglen1 equ $-msg1
msg2 db 10,13," Root1: "
msglen2 equ $-msg2
msg3 db 10,13," Root2: "
msglen3 equ $-msg3
a dd 1.00
b dd 8.00
c dd 15.00
four dd 4.00
two dd 2.00
hdec dq 100
point db "."
section .bss
root1 resd 1
root2 resd 1
resbuff rest 1
temp resb 2
disc resd 1
%macro write 2 ;macro for display
mov rax,1
mov rdi,1
mov rsi,%1
mov rdx,%2
%macro read 2 ;macro for input
mov rax,0
mov rdi,0
mov rsi,%1
mov rdx,%2
%macro exit 0 ;macro for exit
mov rax,60
xor rdi,rdi
section .text
global _start
finit ; initialise 80387 co-processor
fld dword[b] ; stack: b
fmul dword[b] ; stack: b*b
fld dword[a] ; stack: a, b*b
fmul dword[c] ; stack: a*c, b*b
fmul dword[four] ; stack: 4*a*c,b*b
fsub ; stack: b*b - 4*a*c
ftst ; compares ST0 and 0
fstsw ax ;Stores the coprocessor status word ;into either a word in memory or the AX register
sahf ;Stores the AH register into the FLAGS register.
jb no_real_solutions ; if disc < 0, no real solutions
fsqrt ; stack: sqrt(b*b - 4*a*c)
fst dword[disc] ; store disc= sqrt(b*b - 4*a*c)
fsub dword[b] ; stack: disc-b
fdiv dword[a] ; stack: disc-b/2*a or (-b+disc)/2a
fdiv dword[two]
write msg2,msglen2
call disp_proc
fldz ;stack:0
fsub dword[disc] ;stack:-disc
fsub dword[b] ; stack: -disc - b
fdiv dword[a] ; stack: (-b - disc)/(2*a)
fdiv dword[two]
write msg3,msglen3
call disp_proc
jmp exi
write msg1,msglen1
exi :
mov rax,60
mov rdi,1
FIMUL dword[hdec]
FBSTP tword[resbuff]
mov rsi,resbuff+9
mov rcx,09
push rcx
push rsi
mov bl,[rsi]
call disp
pop rsi
pop rcx
dec rsi
loop next1
push rsi
write point,1
pop rsi
mov bl,[rsi]
call disp
mov edi,temp ;mov dnum address into edi
mov ecx,02 ;initialize ecx with 2
rol bl,4 ;rotate bl by 4 bits
mov dl,bl ;move bl into dl
and dl,0fh ;and of dl with 0fh
add dl,30h ;add 30h into dl
cmp dl,39h ;compare dl with 39h
jbe dispskip1 ;jump if below and equal to dispskip1
add dl,07h ;add 7h into dl
mov [edi],dl ;mov dl into dnum
inc edi ;increament edi by a byte
loop dispup1 ;loop dispup1 while ecx not zero
write temp,2 ;Display dnum by calling macro
ret ;return from procedure
swlab@swlab-H81-M1:~$ nasm -f elf64 square.asm
swlab@swlab-H81-M1:~$ ld -o mean mean.o
swlab@swlab-H81-M1:~$ ./square Root1: 800000000000000003.00
Root2: 800000000000000005.00
msg1 db 10,13,"Complex Root"
msglen1 equ $-msg1
msg2 db 10,13," Root1: "
msglen2 equ $-msg2
msg3 db 10,13," Root2: "
msglen3 equ $-msg3
a dd 1.00
b dd 8.00
c dd 15.00
four dd 4.00
two dd 2.00
hdec dq 100
point db "."
section .bss
root1 resd 1
root2 resd 1
resbuff rest 1
temp resb 2
disc resd 1
%macro write 2 ;macro for display
mov rax,1
mov rdi,1
mov rsi,%1
mov rdx,%2
%macro read 2 ;macro for input
mov rax,0
mov rdi,0
mov rsi,%1
mov rdx,%2
%macro exit 0 ;macro for exit
mov rax,60
xor rdi,rdi
section .text
global _start
finit ; initialise 80387 co-processor
fld dword[b] ; stack: b
fmul dword[b] ; stack: b*b
fld dword[a] ; stack: a, b*b
fmul dword[c] ; stack: a*c, b*b
fmul dword[four] ; stack: 4*a*c,b*b
fsub ; stack: b*b - 4*a*c
ftst ; compares ST0 and 0
fstsw ax ;Stores the coprocessor status word ;into either a word in memory or the AX register
sahf ;Stores the AH register into the FLAGS register.
jb no_real_solutions ; if disc < 0, no real solutions
fsqrt ; stack: sqrt(b*b - 4*a*c)
fst dword[disc] ; store disc= sqrt(b*b - 4*a*c)
fsub dword[b] ; stack: disc-b
fdiv dword[a] ; stack: disc-b/2*a or (-b+disc)/2a
fdiv dword[two]
write msg2,msglen2
call disp_proc
fldz ;stack:0
fsub dword[disc] ;stack:-disc
fsub dword[b] ; stack: -disc - b
fdiv dword[a] ; stack: (-b - disc)/(2*a)
fdiv dword[two]
write msg3,msglen3
call disp_proc
jmp exi
write msg1,msglen1
exi :
mov rax,60
mov rdi,1
FIMUL dword[hdec]
FBSTP tword[resbuff]
mov rsi,resbuff+9
mov rcx,09
push rcx
push rsi
mov bl,[rsi]
call disp
pop rsi
pop rcx
dec rsi
loop next1
push rsi
write point,1
pop rsi
mov bl,[rsi]
call disp
mov edi,temp ;mov dnum address into edi
mov ecx,02 ;initialize ecx with 2
rol bl,4 ;rotate bl by 4 bits
mov dl,bl ;move bl into dl
and dl,0fh ;and of dl with 0fh
add dl,30h ;add 30h into dl
cmp dl,39h ;compare dl with 39h
jbe dispskip1 ;jump if below and equal to dispskip1
add dl,07h ;add 7h into dl
mov [edi],dl ;mov dl into dnum
inc edi ;increament edi by a byte
loop dispup1 ;loop dispup1 while ecx not zero
write temp,2 ;Display dnum by calling macro
ret ;return from procedure
swlab@swlab-H81-M1:~$ nasm -f elf64 square.asm
swlab@swlab-H81-M1:~$ ld -o mean mean.o
swlab@swlab-H81-M1:~$ ./square Root1: 800000000000000003.00
Root2: 800000000000000005.00