%macro IO 4 ; simple macro ,
mov rax,%1 ; param 1 -> system call number
mov rdi,%2 ; param 2 -> file descriptor
mov rsi,%3 ; param 3 -> message
mov rdx,%4 ; param 4 -> length
section .data
m1 db 10,13, "enter string" ;10 ->line feed
l1 equ $-m1
m2 db 10,13, "Entered"
l2 equ $-m2
m3 db 10,13,"Length is "
l3 equ $-m3
m4 db 10,13, "Write an X86/64 ALP to accept a string and to display its length"
l4 equ $-m4
m5 db 10,13, "Exiting now"
l5 equ $-m5
m7 db 10
section .bss
string resb 50 ;string array of size 50
strl equ $-string
count resb 1
_output resb 20
section .text
global _start
IO 1,1,m4,l4 ; display
IO 1,1,m1,l1 ; display
IO 0,0,string,strl
mov [count],rax ;count now points to rax
IO 1,1,m2,l2 ; display
IO 1,1,string,strl
IO 1,1,m3,l3 ; display
mov rax,[count] ; value of count passed into rax
call hex_to_dec
IO 1,1,_output,16
IO 1,1,m7,1
IO 1,1,m5,l5
mov rax, 60 ; system call for exit
mov rdi, 0 ; exit code 0
mov rsi,_output+15 ; max size of display , for convinience set to 16 and rsipoints to output[16]
mov rcx,2 ; loop count , or number of digits displayed , 2 digits (unlikely we will enter string > 99)(prints preceding zeros otherwise)
xor rdx,rdx ; setting rdx to null without setting a null byte (a tip i saw on reddit) needed to clean dl for use
mov rbx,10 ; conversion base
div rbx ; dividing by conversion base
cmp dl,09h ; comparing 09h with dl , since the division remainder ends up in dx and since its one digits its in dl
jbe add30 ; if value under in 0-9 , we directly add 30h to get ascii 0-9
add dl,30h ; adding 30h
mov [rsi],dl ; moving the ascii we generated to rsi
dec rsi ; rsi now points to the next place in display or output[n-1]
dec rcx ; loop
jnz letter2
Write an X86/64 ALP to accept a string and to display its length enter string Entered Rahul Length is 5 Exiting now [Program exited with exit code 0]
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