%macro dispmsg 2
mov eax,04
mov ebx,01
mov ecx,%1
mov edx,%2
int 80h
%macro accept 2
mov eax,03
mov ebx,00
mov ecx,%1
mov edx,%2
int 80h
%macro exit 0
dispmsg thankmsg,thankmsg_len
mov eax,01 ;Exit
mov ebx,00
int 80h
%endm exit
section .data
menumsg db 10,10,"###### Menu for Code Conversion ######"
db 10,13,"1: Hex to BCD"
db 10,13,"2: BCD to Hex"
db 10,13,"3: Exit"
db 10,10,"Please Enter Choice::"
menumsg_len equ $-menumsg
wrchmsg db 10,10,"Wrong Choice Entered....Please try again!!!"
wrchmsg_len equ $-wrchmsg
hexinmsg db 10,10,"Please enter 4 digit hex number::"
hexinmsg_len equ $-hexinmsg
bcdopmsg db 10,10,"BCD Equivalent::"
bcdopmsg_len equ $-bcdopmsg
bcdinmsg db 10,10,"Please enter 5 digit BCD number::"
bcdinmsg_len equ $-bcdinmsg
hexopmsg db 10,10,"Hex Equivalent::"
hexopmsg_len equ $-hexopmsg
thankmsg db 10,13,"Thank you for using Program by Prof. Dhokane Rahul"
thankmsg_len equ $-thankmsg
section .bss
numascii resb 06 ;common buffer for choice, hex and bcd input
opbuff resb 05
dnumbuff resb 08
section .text
global _start
dispmsg menumsg,menumsg_len
accept numascii,2
cmp byte[numascii],"1"
jne case2
call hex2bcd_proc
jmp _start
cmp byte [numascii],"2"
jne case3
call bcd2hex_proc
jmp _start
case3: cmp byte [numascii],"3"
je ext
dispmsg wrchmsg,wrchmsg_len
jmp _start
dispmsg hexinmsg,hexinmsg_len
accept numascii,5
call packnum
mov ecx,5
mov ax,bx
mov bx,10
mov dx,0
div bx
push edx
dec ecx
jnz h2bup1
mov edi,opbuff
mov ecx,5
pop edx
add dl,30h
mov [edi],dl
inc edi
dec ecx
jnz h2bup2
dispmsg bcdopmsg,bcdopmsg_len
dispmsg opbuff,5
dispmsg bcdinmsg,bcdinmsg_len
accept numascii,6
dispmsg hexopmsg,hexopmsg_len
mov esi,numascii
mov ecx,05
mov eax,0
mov ebx,0ah
mov edx,0
mul ebx
mov dl,[esi]
sub dl,30h
add eax,edx
inc esi
dec ecx
jnz b2hup1
mov ebx,eax
call disp32_num
mov bx,0
mov ecx,04
mov esi,numascii
rol bx,04
mov al,[esi]
cmp al,"9"
jbe sub30
cmp al,"F"
jbe sub37
cmp al,"f"
jbe sub57
sub57: sub al,20h
sub37: sub al,07h
sub30: sub al,30h
add bl,al
inc esi
dec ecx
jnz up1
mov edi,dnumbuff ;point esi to buffer
mov ecx,08 ;load number of digits to display
rol ebx,4 ;rotate number left by four bits
mov dl,bl ;move lower byte in dl
and dl,0fh ;mask upper digit of byte in dl
add dl,30h ;add 30h to calculate ASCII code
cmp dl,39h ;compare with 39h
jbe dispskip1 ;if less than 39h adding 07 more
add dl,07h ;else add 07
mov [edi],dl ;store ASCII code in buffer
inc edi ;point to next byte
dec ecx
jnz dispup1 ;decrement the count of digits to display
;if not zero jump to repeat
dispmsg dnumbuff+3,5
swlab@swlab-Veriton-M200-H81:~/MICROPROCESSOR 2017-18$ nasm -f elf h2b.asm
swlab@swlab-Veriton-M200-H81:~/MICROPROCESSOR 2017-18$ ld -m elf_i386 -s -o h2b h2b.o
swlab@swlab-Veriton-M200-H81:~/MICROPROCESSOR 2017-18$ ./h2b
###### Menu for Code Conversion ######
1: Hex to BCD
2: BCD to Hex
3: Exit
Please Enter Choice::1
Please enter 4 digit hex number::ffff
BCD Equivalent::65535
###### Menu for Code Conversion ######
1: Hex to BCD
2: BCD to Hex
3: Exit
Please Enter Choice::2
Please enter 5 digit BCD number::65535
Hex Equivalent::0FFFF
###### Menu for Code Conversion ######
1: Hex to BCD
2: BCD to Hex
3: Exit
Please Enter Choice::3
Thank you for using Program by Prof. Dhokane Rahul
mov eax,04
mov ebx,01
mov ecx,%1
mov edx,%2
int 80h
%macro accept 2
mov eax,03
mov ebx,00
mov ecx,%1
mov edx,%2
int 80h
%macro exit 0
dispmsg thankmsg,thankmsg_len
mov eax,01 ;Exit
mov ebx,00
int 80h
%endm exit
section .data
menumsg db 10,10,"###### Menu for Code Conversion ######"
db 10,13,"1: Hex to BCD"
db 10,13,"2: BCD to Hex"
db 10,13,"3: Exit"
db 10,10,"Please Enter Choice::"
menumsg_len equ $-menumsg
wrchmsg db 10,10,"Wrong Choice Entered....Please try again!!!"
wrchmsg_len equ $-wrchmsg
hexinmsg db 10,10,"Please enter 4 digit hex number::"
hexinmsg_len equ $-hexinmsg
bcdopmsg db 10,10,"BCD Equivalent::"
bcdopmsg_len equ $-bcdopmsg
bcdinmsg db 10,10,"Please enter 5 digit BCD number::"
bcdinmsg_len equ $-bcdinmsg
hexopmsg db 10,10,"Hex Equivalent::"
hexopmsg_len equ $-hexopmsg
thankmsg db 10,13,"Thank you for using Program by Prof. Dhokane Rahul"
thankmsg_len equ $-thankmsg
section .bss
numascii resb 06 ;common buffer for choice, hex and bcd input
opbuff resb 05
dnumbuff resb 08
section .text
global _start
dispmsg menumsg,menumsg_len
accept numascii,2
cmp byte[numascii],"1"
jne case2
call hex2bcd_proc
jmp _start
cmp byte [numascii],"2"
jne case3
call bcd2hex_proc
jmp _start
case3: cmp byte [numascii],"3"
je ext
dispmsg wrchmsg,wrchmsg_len
jmp _start
dispmsg hexinmsg,hexinmsg_len
accept numascii,5
call packnum
mov ecx,5
mov ax,bx
mov bx,10
mov dx,0
div bx
push edx
dec ecx
jnz h2bup1
mov edi,opbuff
mov ecx,5
pop edx
add dl,30h
mov [edi],dl
inc edi
dec ecx
jnz h2bup2
dispmsg bcdopmsg,bcdopmsg_len
dispmsg opbuff,5
dispmsg bcdinmsg,bcdinmsg_len
accept numascii,6
dispmsg hexopmsg,hexopmsg_len
mov esi,numascii
mov ecx,05
mov eax,0
mov ebx,0ah
mov edx,0
mul ebx
mov dl,[esi]
sub dl,30h
add eax,edx
inc esi
dec ecx
jnz b2hup1
mov ebx,eax
call disp32_num
mov bx,0
mov ecx,04
mov esi,numascii
rol bx,04
mov al,[esi]
cmp al,"9"
jbe sub30
cmp al,"F"
jbe sub37
cmp al,"f"
jbe sub57
sub57: sub al,20h
sub37: sub al,07h
sub30: sub al,30h
add bl,al
inc esi
dec ecx
jnz up1
mov edi,dnumbuff ;point esi to buffer
mov ecx,08 ;load number of digits to display
rol ebx,4 ;rotate number left by four bits
mov dl,bl ;move lower byte in dl
and dl,0fh ;mask upper digit of byte in dl
add dl,30h ;add 30h to calculate ASCII code
cmp dl,39h ;compare with 39h
jbe dispskip1 ;if less than 39h adding 07 more
add dl,07h ;else add 07
mov [edi],dl ;store ASCII code in buffer
inc edi ;point to next byte
dec ecx
jnz dispup1 ;decrement the count of digits to display
;if not zero jump to repeat
dispmsg dnumbuff+3,5
swlab@swlab-Veriton-M200-H81:~/MICROPROCESSOR 2017-18$ nasm -f elf h2b.asm
swlab@swlab-Veriton-M200-H81:~/MICROPROCESSOR 2017-18$ ld -m elf_i386 -s -o h2b h2b.o
swlab@swlab-Veriton-M200-H81:~/MICROPROCESSOR 2017-18$ ./h2b
###### Menu for Code Conversion ######
1: Hex to BCD
2: BCD to Hex
3: Exit
Please Enter Choice::1
Please enter 4 digit hex number::ffff
BCD Equivalent::65535
###### Menu for Code Conversion ######
1: Hex to BCD
2: BCD to Hex
3: Exit
Please Enter Choice::2
Please enter 5 digit BCD number::65535
Hex Equivalent::0FFFF
###### Menu for Code Conversion ######
1: Hex to BCD
2: BCD to Hex
3: Exit
Please Enter Choice::3
Thank you for using Program by Prof. Dhokane Rahul
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