;Write X86/64 ALP to count number of positive and negative numbers from the ;array
%macro print 2
mov eax,4
mov ebx,1
mov ecx,%1
mov edx,%2
int 80h
section .data
arr dd -18888888h,18888888h,22222222h,11111111h
n equ 4
pmsg db 10,13,"The Count of Positive No: "
plen equ $-pmsg
nmsg db 10,13,"The Count of Negative No: "
nlen equ $-nmsg
nwline db 10,13
th db 10,13,"Program developed by Prof Dhokane R.M.(SVIT, Chincholi, Nashik)"
thlen equ $-th
section .bss
pcnt resq 1
ncnt resq 1
char_answer resb 8
section .text
global _start
mov esi,arr
mov edi,n
mov ebx,0
mov ecx,0
mov eax,[esi]
cmp eax,00000000h
js negative
positive: inc ebx
jmp next
negative: inc ecx
next: add esi,4
dec edi
jnz up
mov [pcnt],ebx
mov [ncnt],ecx
print pmsg,plen
mov eax,[pcnt]
call display
print nmsg,nlen
mov eax,[ncnt]
call display
print th,thlen
print nwline,1
mov eax,1
mov ebx,0
int 80h
;display procedure for 32bit
mov esi,char_answer+7
mov ecx,8
cnt: mov edx,0
mov ebx,16h
div ebx
cmp dl,09h
jbe add30
add dl,07h
add30: add dl,30h
mov [esi],dl
dec esi
dec ecx
jnz cnt
print char_answer,8
swlab@swlab-Veriton-M200-H81:~$ nasm -f elf pn.asm
swlab@swlab-Veriton-M200-H81:~$ ld -m elf_i386 -s -o pn pn.o
swlab@swlab-Veriton-M200-H81:~$ ./pn
The Count of Positive No: 00000003
The Count of Negative No: 00000001
Program developed by Prof Dhokane R.M.(SVIT, Chincholi, Nashik)
%macro print 2
mov eax,4
mov ebx,1
mov ecx,%1
mov edx,%2
int 80h
section .data
arr dd -18888888h,18888888h,22222222h,11111111h
n equ 4
pmsg db 10,13,"The Count of Positive No: "
plen equ $-pmsg
nmsg db 10,13,"The Count of Negative No: "
nlen equ $-nmsg
nwline db 10,13
th db 10,13,"Program developed by Prof Dhokane R.M.(SVIT, Chincholi, Nashik)"
thlen equ $-th
section .bss
pcnt resq 1
ncnt resq 1
char_answer resb 8
section .text
global _start
mov esi,arr
mov edi,n
mov ebx,0
mov ecx,0
mov eax,[esi]
cmp eax,00000000h
js negative
positive: inc ebx
jmp next
negative: inc ecx
next: add esi,4
dec edi
jnz up
mov [pcnt],ebx
mov [ncnt],ecx
print pmsg,plen
mov eax,[pcnt]
call display
print nmsg,nlen
mov eax,[ncnt]
call display
print th,thlen
print nwline,1
mov eax,1
mov ebx,0
int 80h
;display procedure for 32bit
mov esi,char_answer+7
mov ecx,8
cnt: mov edx,0
mov ebx,16h
div ebx
cmp dl,09h
jbe add30
add dl,07h
add30: add dl,30h
mov [esi],dl
dec esi
dec ecx
jnz cnt
print char_answer,8
swlab@swlab-Veriton-M200-H81:~$ nasm -f elf pn.asm
swlab@swlab-Veriton-M200-H81:~$ ld -m elf_i386 -s -o pn pn.o
swlab@swlab-Veriton-M200-H81:~$ ./pn
The Count of Positive No: 00000003
The Count of Negative No: 00000001
Program developed by Prof Dhokane R.M.(SVIT, Chincholi, Nashik)
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